Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Clemens Heni:

 Recently I attended a conference sponsored by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East on the subject of the last fifty years of the US/Israel relationship.

I listened to almost all the presentations and assisted with the videotaping.
(The conference will be publishing all of the proceedings.)

But just some personal impressions that I went away with here:

One of the things that arose after WorldWarTwo war was the joining of all Jewish communities, secular and relifious from left to right into AIPAC, thus  enabling Jewish organization to speak with one voice for the Jewish community. This has been a very important asset and this was not the case before and during the Second World War much to our detriment.

J-street threatens to fracture this alliance of various strands of the American Jewish religious and secular  communities by claiming that they have a Jewish following. However, Jews are a tiny fraction of the American public, and polls reveal that eighty per cent of American  support for Israel, which is close to sixty percent comes from non-Jews. Thank g-d for this since Jewsare such a tiny minority in the United States.

 Clemens Heni, a German scholar, gave a talk about the Mearsheimer book,  "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy." This book was promoted by Mearsheimer and has been adopted as text by many Middle Eastern Studies Departments in universities in the United States and elsewhere.

In this paper, Clemens Heni traces the antecedents of this book with direct quotes that are lifted from Nazi texts. And of course the whole idea of their being a "controlling and powerful Jewish lobby" comes straight from the fraudulent publication, the infamous book, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Here is the link to his article.

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