Friday, May 13, 2011

Son of Hamas: A fraud?

This is an interesting twist which is relevant to present day media analysis.

I received the article below 
"Son of Hamas" as a fraudulent double agent. - Shocking - And also very relevant since,he will be speaking in Montreal, and I got very excited about meeting him in person and invited others to attend as well.
About a year ago, I had actually created a you tube clip of Rabbi Steinmetz referring to "Son of Hamas", which was the first time I had heard about him.

I have asked  Paul Agoston of Honestreporting to look into it.

By the way, I just rewatched the youtube video of Rabbi Steinmetz giving us the lesson of SON OF HAMAS.

It is worth watching because whatever the truth about this person,
Rabbi Steinmetz has an important lesson for all of us: -"NOT TO BE NAIVE" and also "NOT TO BE NARROW MINDED", i.e. to continue to hope and pray for the true conversion of those who practise harming men, women, and children, in anybody's name...

Abigail Hirsch,

AskAbigail Productions

Shalom Foundation for Healing Community